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Old 11-27-2006, 06:46 PM
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Default Re: I finally got a ticket :(

Originally Posted by MMZ_TimeLord
Tell your parents... not telling them may be considered a lie to them. Own up, take the heat, make it right. They will put WAY more trust in you in the future. Also, these cars (Crossfires) love going fast, they can easily go faster than you think you are going. If you didn't realize you were going that fast... explain that as well. It's not a cop-out of you really didn't notice, but don't use it as an easy-out.

Just learn to obey the speed limit. Radar detectors only tend to give you a false sense of security and then you break the speed limit more.

There are times and places to drive fast (track) with the proper instruction (class & instructor riding shotgun). Take advantage of these if you really want to do two things.

1. Drive fast, have fun & be safe without breaking the law.

2. Improve your knowledge and skill controlling a motor vehicle.

I had a blast at the track for the first time at the age of 37 and I'm very sad that I didn't get the chance to do that sooner.

I also got a ticket on the way to Las Vegas just before the track event. Sucks to be me, because I only have myself to blame and I have to pay for it, point and the fine.

Trust me... just learn to watch your speed and enjoy the ride.
A bit off the subject:

That's how I ended up on the track for the first time in 1975... My first car was a 1970 Triumph GT6+ and I got busted being stupid and terribly unsafe by the Malibu Sheriff's Dept. My dad was notified and I ended-up losing my driving privileges for a few weeks and having to do every labor intensive job he could think of to pay off the $85 fine. Then my father said if you're going to be driving like an idiot, you better learn how to do it well, otherwise you'll kill yourself and worse, somebody else... He sent me to Jim Russell School for two weeks during my summer vacation and made me reimburse him for the cost... I've been a track junkie ever since and drive like an old grandma on the streets... Hell, for that matter, I drive like an old grandma on the track too !!!

PS: I haven't had a moving violation for 25 years...

Last edited by HDDP; 11-27-2006 at 06:56 PM.