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Old 09-16-2009, 05:17 PM
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Default Re: Transforming a swirled mess of an Alabaster Crossfire

Part II:

Along the way we discovered some scuff marks on the front bumper that we figured were going to present a real challenge, given the hardness of this paint. Fortunately Justin mentioned that the front bumper had been repainted so we took a shot at the G110, W8207 Soft Buff 2.0 Polishing Pad and the M105 we were already using.


.... no scuffs. That was easy!

Up against the clock, we busted this out in 3 hours of buffing. Yep, just 3 hours, which means we couldn't get it perfect, but Justin was thrilled and amazed at how different, and how good, his Crossfire looked in such a short period of time!

OK, so where are the "after" shots in direct sunlight to show the true difference?

Well, they're right here, of course!

This is the hood......

.... and here's that quarter panel.

No, it isn't perfect, flawless or ready for Pebble Beach. But the car is 5.5 years old, has over 60,000 miles on it, and nothing has ever been done except the rare clay and wax job. If we'd had more than 3 hours of buffing time we certainly could have done a lot more - we've got some light streaking here from a very short wax drying time prior to removal as well. Hey, when we're up against the clock, we're up against the clock!!

So, is it worth taking the time and effort to do this on a white car?

Heck yeah!