#35 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2011, 12:17 PM
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Default Re: key fob won't work, alarm goes off - stuck!

I had the same problem recently. I called the local Chrysler dealership to ask them if they knew what the problem was. They told me that it sounded like one of the modules and I would have to bring it to them. I called AAA to have it towed to the dealership and when the AAA flatbed tow driver got there, he said lets check your battery. When we opened the hood I noticed that one of the terminals on the battery was corroded and pondered if that might be the problem. After cleaning off the terminal and charging the battery, everything was back to normal. The keys worked, the alarm stopped going off and now a week later...........everything is a-ok.
I wonder why the dealership never mentioned that it could be a dead battery? They went right to one of the most expensive parts to replace!!!!
The AAA guy saved me probably thousands of dollars by not just towing the car like I had asked and checking to see if the problem could be fixed without towing.
If the Crossfire had been towed to the dealer they probably would have charged me for a new module even though I didn't need one and at the very least, if they checked it out and found out that the battery was the problem, they probably would have charged me several hundred dollars in time and labor.
If there is a next time, I will know better.