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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2005, 03:03 AM
xfire embrace
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Default Re: Embarrasing news for the Crossfire

Originally Posted by +fireamx
I've had my AMX for nearly 36 years and some people still come up to me at car shows, gas stations, wherever, and say to me, "Cool car, what is it, who makes it, where's the back seat?" Something tells me the same thing is going to happen with the Crossfire (especially if they stop production next year). So everybody might as well clear your calendars now and pencil in a little extra time for almost any trip you're planning to make in your XF, because the curiosity seekers are going to be out there for a long time. Learn to enjoy it if you haven't already.
I have had my share and still enjoying it. And I like that quote...very much.