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Old 06-09-2015, 10:44 AM
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Default Re: Keyless start button system - Ignition Cylinder/Lock tumbler

Originally Posted by GraphiteGhost
You don't quite have enough information here. How are you sure this aftermarket remote start system is causing this? On an additional note, you might now have two keys (one for the door lock and one for the iggy). Be careful how you plan this as one wrong part will muddle up the result and make it harder to get the results you want. If your goal is to restore the OEM key/iggy system it should be easy to make sure you get the right parts (remembering the door lock may be different as you may have no idea what else was changed before you bought the car AND how everything was installed). If then your going to install something else, that in itself insures your just spending all that money to insure the car is properly running (your problem might not have anything to do with the remote start system, it may be from a different reason). So, sounds like your troubleshooting is just starting, as you are thinking the installed remote start system is the cause of your problem. If it isn't, all the parts thrown at it (including the time invested) will be for naught. Especially if your end goal is to install something else. Good luck!

Thank you guys for your quick answer!

That's my guess, this aftermarket system is not working well but at this point I don't know what to do, what are my options or even WHERE to take my car... Can I just install another aftermarket start system instead? do you know where could I get this installed? if I am able to get the original parts where could I install the ignition cylinder?
