#7 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2015, 03:56 PM
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Default Re: Advice - Alarm System Prevents Car from Running

Originally Posted by onehundred80
If one thing affected another how come it was blamed on the SKREEM module? If that is somehow true it is possible one of the other units failed and wrecked the other parts. I basically do not trust what dealers say, especially after a fiasco like the one you have described.

My guess is that they changed all the mentioned parts looking for the trouble, somehow cured it and made up this excuse. I would think that the warranty paid for the parts and labor, hence the fictional explanation that warranted such a huge cost.

Along with what 180 said, I have been told by so-called 'mechanics' at dealerships (during bar round buys and overhearing conversations at the next table) that dealerships trade out parts and sell them to others and make a huge amount of money. They are supposed to be returning the parts to someone but on many occasions they just disappear never to be seen again until installed in another car on the sly. Given the history of some bad apples, I would tend to agree to an extent.
