Thread: SKREEM question
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Old 01-25-2017, 12:13 AM
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Default Re: SKREEM question

Originally Posted by mmcandre
Thanks for the response Onehundred80,

Had the "hmm my key fob isn't unlocking my car, that's weird, fob battery must have died" moment yesterday, followed by the "no problem, I'll just go old school and use the actual key part in the door", followed by the "oh crap, now my car alarm NOT siren (cause the actual siren is not hooked up) but the crackly, scratchy sound accompanied by all my lights flashing is happening right here at lunch time in my employment parking deck and everyone is looking at me) moment, then swiftly followed by the "Jeesh! Let me just get in the damn car and put the key in the ignition so it turns off thought". Then the start the car... Car dies... "That was weird" moment, rinse and repeat and then the "my car won't even crank experience", which concluded with the text to my husband saying... "Um... Got a second? I think something is wrong with my car".

Did all the checks most others have done in this situation (which I learned after getting home and pouring over the forums) and finally realized we'd give the Fuse 9 option a try since there really was NO chance of having it towed as I was parked on the 4th level of the parking deck and there was definitely not enough clearance to get a tow truck in there so I was just desperate to get it started and out (and home if I could). Spot on removing Fuse #9...started like a champ and home we are with no other issues I can detect ( other that those mentioned previously by leaving Fuse #9 out, so... Can I just leave it out and forgo the convenience of a remote key, alarm and interior light until I really want to tackle what I'm pretty sure seems to be a SKREEM issue or am I tempting fate for something else to pop up by delaying the work?

Really appreciate the insight... Love my CF and would hate to cause it addition issues by delaying but I'm totally cool with the things mentioned if it won't cause any other issues.
No siren hooked up? That scratchy sound is the siren when it fails, look up 'alarm? on crack.' The alarm is the siren. Pull out fuse #9 and the siren/alarm will not work when told to by the SKREEM, but the lights will flash. Door locking/unlocking is done with the CLP/SSM in the trunk being actuated by the fob, if both doors, hatch and gas cap cover unlock with the key then the pump is working.
Car not starting and then starting sounds like an intermittent RCM and or SKREEM problem.
We have smarter people here on this kind of subject so I'm probably wrong here somewhere.