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Old 07-27-2004, 10:45 AM
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Not only did I win a FREE bottle of Crystal Guard Quick, I received a free demonstration of the product on my XFire. What a great raffle, the car looks like glass, the metallic really stands out, and it took less than 20 minutes to apply.

As I live about 30 miles from a Crystal Guard service center I asked Diamond Jim (Jim Campos Director Sales, Marketing, & Operations for Crystal Guard Products) if it would be possible to simply pick up the raffle prize instead of having it shipped. He responded by making an appointment for a product demonstration at the service center. When I arrived the XF was in about the same condition as when the dealer prepped it. First the car was rinsed off to remove all dust, etc. The water beaded well on the finish, and while still wet, a mist of CG Quick was sprayed on the car and then the area was wiped with a micro fiber cloth to evenly spread the product. As the car was rinsed after the application, I noticed that the water did not bead as before, but actually ran off the paint in a sheeting motion. A few minutes to dry the car with a chamois and it was all over. The improvement was apparent during the drying as the metallic accents in the paint started to stand out more, the surface of the paint looks deeper now, and the most noticeable effect for me were the reflections of surrounding objects as I drove Crystal Guard states that the finish may look better after a day or two so I canft wait to see how the FUNFIRE looks tomorrow.

If the finish holds this gloss for two months and it only takes about a half hour to do, then I will be sold on Crystal Guard Quick. I will keep the forum posted on how it performs in the coming weeks.

Also, a special Thank you to Toshi for the demo, and, putting a great shine on our XFire.