#38 (permalink)  
Old 02-22-2009, 09:54 AM
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Default Re: For those who've changed their shift ****...

I received my install kit yesterday and installed it around 1 am since I couldn't sleep. Using only the rubber piece that had the smallest opening, I drilled a small hole in the top of it and pushed it inside the ****. It then took more pressure than I expected to press the **** all the way to the bottom of the shaft.

I do see now what you mean about this **** staying put. Even without the screws, the shaft is so tight going through the rubber piece that its quite a feat to pull it off. As for the screws I used one set and put them in as far as I could then used the second set right behind them in the same hole. The second set sits out slightly but they will make it harder for the screws to come out.

As for the boot I simply used a ty wrap around the very top. The screws sticking out make for a good place to run the ty wrap around since the boot catches on them it doesn't appear like it will slide down. What I may end up doing is finding a slimmer ty wrap and run it around the **** just above the screws. This would give it a slighty slimmer look and the boot would never fall down past the screws.

I don't know if this how every one else did theirs but this way worked for me.