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Old 04-04-2013, 09:07 PM
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Alabama Crossfire
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Default Interested in Benz V8 swap in my '04 coupe

New to the forum, looks like a lot of good information here. I currenly am the proud owner of an extremely nice 2004 Crossfire coupe. I have been hearing a lot of rumors that it is possible to swap to the AMG 55 engine and I am on the hunt for a SUCCESFUL swap story. Wanna do some brain picking and make the transition as painless and seamless as possible. I love my car and don't want it stacked up in the back of the shop for months on end. I am an avid hot rod builder and have a healthy mechanical background so the work doesn't scare me...its the electronics I am concerned about. Thanks in advance for responses and wish me luck, I'm going to gather all my little pieces first as my car runs beautifully and I'm not in any real hurry. I want this done right and look, smell, feel, sound...everything like a factory install. I pride myself on some really clean swaps in the past and I want this to be a masterpiece