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Old 06-11-2021, 07:59 PM
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Default Re: Autoelectician needed

1) You can't take it to a CHrysler dealer, as it is a Mercedes product and there is no factory support for the car anymore.
2) There is no such thing as an "auto electrician" - what you need is a competent electronics technician who has access to the service manual (available on this site) and who has some familiarity with the Crossfire and SLK320.
3) 'Bulbs blowing, alarm sounding and warning lights" - 1) If bulbs are blowing, I'd suggest a bad alternator overcharging the system. 2) Alarm sounding - if the alarm sounds but lights are not flashing, it's the siren module - remove it and order a new one. Or dont order a new one, I see no need for a siren. 3) "Warning lights" is not helpful, WHAT lights?

Also, does the car start and run? If it runs, does it run well but it just has these three issues? These determine how we proceed - but if you expect to just take it 'to get it fixed' somewhere, I hate to tell you, but you are about to spend a LOT of money and even spending all that money won't get the car fixed. The Crossfire is an orphan, it actually does take the community to keep the cars running in many cases.